Linked In Vanessa Lima - Sedgwick

Vanessa Lima

Loss Adjuster

Vanessa is a lawyer with active involvement in the Order of Attorneys in Brazil (OAB) and experience and vast technical knowledge in the insurance market. She currently works as a claims adjuster in financial lines (including directors’ and officers’ liability, errors and omissions, cyber and medical malpractice) in addition to general liability. Vanessa has experience in adjusting and settling both national and international medium and large risk claims. She analyzes contracts, rules, clauses and risk assessments, and prepares adjustment reports, letters of coverage and/or denial. Vanessa also monitors legal proceedings, manages portfolios and statistical controls, handles claims, monitors service level agreements (SLAs) and issues legal opinions. Vanessa also has knowledge related to coinsurance, reinsurance and reimbursement.

Telephone: +55 11 3060 2200
Mobile: +55 11 97579 5658
Location: Brazil
Qualifications: Lawyer with a focus on Insurance Law
Areas of expertise: Casualty
General liability
Professional services