Linked In Avinash Gaikwad - Sedgwick

Avinash Gaikwad

Senior Major and Complex Loss Adjuster

Avinash is a qualified civil engineer and has worked on major infrastructure projects in India including Delhi Metro, before joining the insurance industry 16 years ago as a construction loss adjuster. Since then he has been one of the principal adjusters in the Middle East GCC region dealing with major engineering and construction losses. He has undertaken assignments in India, Bhutan, GCC and, Latin America and has handled a wide range of major and complex losses related to urban Infrastructure, roads, railways, bridges, buildings, tunnels, dams, power project, ports etc.

Telephone: +97440068949
Mobile: +97455144002
Location: Doha, State of Qatar
Qualifications: BEng (Civil), PGDIM, FIII, ACII, Dip CILA
Areas of expertise: Construction
Major and complex loss