Linked In Francisco Peydro - Sedgwick

Francisco Peydro

Regional manager - eastern Spain, construction director

Francisco currently holds the role of regional manager for eastern Spain. He is responsible for business development of that area and is specialised in construction and fire claims. In addition to construction claims (including civil works and building), he specialises in liability claims (general, professional and product) and industrial claims (especially large and complex claims resulting from fire or product liability). Francisco has also developed several product claims related to construction products' liability and regulations, including the study of the effects and durability of specific products and solutions in buildings. Prior to entering the insurance industry, he worked for more than eight years in different areas of construction (including technical supervision, contracting, subcontracting and client acquisition). He then worked in the adjustment of large claims, and in management of an architectural firm until 2014. In total, Francisco has accumulated more than 15 years of experience as a major and complex loss adjuster.

Telephone: + 34 96 122 52 28
Mobile: + 34 669 936 318
Location: Spain, Valencia
Qualifications: Construction Engineer
Areas of expertise: Catastrophe
Construction all risks
General liability
Major and complex loss
Plant, machinery, and equipment