Linked In Francisco Martin Caro Gomez - Sedgwick

Francisco Martin Caro Gomez

Major and complex loss adjuster

Francisco has more than 10 years of experience working as a loss adjuster at Sedgwick specialising in engineering, machinery and construction claims. He is also responsible for the supervision and coordination of several accounts pertaining to international retail and telecommunications companies (including technical installations and premises network). Francisco is responsible for handling claims, damage valuation and reporting at an international level in coordination with the client and insurer. His claims' experience includes damage, CR, PB and transport claims, in addition to claims under excess in Spain and the management of recoveries.

Telephone: +34 952 103 022
Mobile: +34 691 039 997
Location: Spain, Malaga
Qualifications: Industrial Engineer, MSc Mechanical Engineering
Areas of expertise: Construction
General loss adjusting
Major and complex loss