Linked In Steve Gargano - Sedgwick

Steve Gargano

Director Head of Real Estate

Steve has worked in the industry for 28 years, starting out as a broker in Lloyds of London, broking both claims and underwriting risks to the market. Following this, he decided to start the claims journey, commencing as a desk top based claims handler, moving up and into senior adjusting roles at two major loss adjusting practices. After proven success in broker relationship management, Steve was encouraged to join the Business Development team, quickly building a large portfolio of clients including social housing providers, local authorities, brokers and Insurers. Steve now jointly leads the broker development sector in the UK for Sedgwick.

Team: Business Development
Telephone: +44 1737 784670
Mobile: +44 7554 330500
Location: London, UK
Qualifications: BDMA
Areas of expertise: General loss adjusting
Years experience: 34