Linked In Tai Batchelor - Sedgwick

Tai Batchelor

Head of Liability, Chartered Loss Adjuster

Tai is an experienced chartered loss adjuster who’s been involved in the insurance industry since 1986. More than 10 years ago he established himself as a specialist liability adjuster, in addition to specialising in cyber claims. After investigating and handling a multitude of liability claims of all sizes, Tai became the head of liability and the mentor for liability claims in the Northern region. He is an automobile claim law associate, a chartered insurance professional and a senior associate of The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance.

Mobile: +64 27 750 7534
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws, Diploma of Loss Adjusting, CIP, (ACLA) Chartered Loss Adjuster, ANZIIF Senior Associate, Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of High Court NZ
Areas of expertise: General liability
Major and complex loss
Years experience: 39