Linked In Leaping to the next level - Sedgwick

Leaping to the next level


Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Sedgwick blog. As your host, I look forward to a rich and regular dialogue about the issues and opportunities that represent the present and future of high performance claims and productivity management services, the current core of our business model. There are endless topics we can explore and our hope is that many of you will stay connected and take a few minutes to periodically contribute your thoughts and ideas to help further discussions that many will benefit from.

So as I thought about where to start and what we wanted to accomplish in this forum, my first thoughts coalesced around the movement to another level of impact and results from both existing, and yet to be developed, products, services and solutions. The “movement” we must make can take a number of different forms from a very typical “crawl, walk, run” to pole vaulting across a great divide. That latter extreme seemed to me to be the way of choice and thus “leaping to the next level” emerged as the way to think about the possibilities of the future for this business and how Sedgwick cannot just meet, but exceed customer expectations while laying the groundwork for the future of this space that entices more to join the conversation.

Leaping then implies big movements across what some might see as divides which may not be viewed as traversable or, at a minimum, too risky to attempt. Think Evel Knievel; his spans were always “big leaps” which most would never consider attempting to cross. Though I’m only a little over three months in my new role leading “strategic solutions,” it’s my impression that this approach to change, innovation and delivery for Sedgwick’s current and future customers is the directionally correct approach. Of course, only time will tell, but in the meantime, I urge our readers  to help put flesh on these bones and provoke the big thinking that produces the most impactful ideas which will naturally lead to new things that just might possibly be big leaps forward to new levels. I look forward to you joining me on this journey. Hope to see and dialogue with you in person at the RIMS annual conference in LA.

Chris Mandel, SVP, Strategic Solutions

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