Linked In Celebrating our Most Valued Performers - Sedgwick

Celebrating our Most Valued Performers


At Sedgwick, we have always known that our greatest asset is our outstanding people. No matter how many technology-related efficiencies we incorporate into our work processes, it is our 10,300 colleagues who day in and day out deliver excellence for our clients, claimants, business partners and other stakeholders.

Recognition for a job well done is an important part of our workplace culture. Each year, Sedgwick honors an elite group of colleagues as MVPs – our Most Valued Performers. Candidates for this award consistently go above and beyond the call of duty, exceed expectations, and practice Sedgwick's core values:

  • Delivering excellence
  • Operating openly and with integrity
  • Embracing change
  • Growing as individuals
  • Operating as one company, one team

Earlier this month, we recognized 42 of our highest performers as MVPs for 2012. We brought all of the honorees from across the country to our corporate headquarters in Memphis, Tenn., to enjoy a three-day celebration of their achievements with members of our leadership team. Each MVP brought a guest along for the festivities, and it was wonderful to see our colleagues' loved ones beaming with pride!

In addition to showing our MVPs a good time in Memphis—including visits to Elvis Presley's Graceland, the National Civil Rights Museum, and Sun Studios—we wanted to give them special recognition for doing such an outstanding job during an especially busy year for the company. We held a gala awards ceremony at the famed Peabody Hotel and modeled it after the Academy Awards. Our MVP honorees even got to walk the "red carpet," with their loved ones and company leaders cheering them on. Information about each MVP and why they were selected for this honor by their managers was featured on monitors throughout the event space. All of the winners received a personalized award from Dave North, our president and CEO. It was a very special event for 42 very special colleagues who do so much for our organization.

Since we had such an esteemed group of colleagues gathered in one place, we also took the opportunity to hold some round-table discussions about Sedgwick's core values, our corporate culture, and what it means to be a Most Valued Performer. Our leadership team learned a lot about how our core values really do inform our colleagues' decision-making process every day.

Being named an MVP is Sedgwick's highest honor, and I am proud of all of our colleagues for a job extremely well done in 2012!

What kinds of qualities do you look for in your top performers?

Terri Browne, EVP, Colleague Resources

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