Linked In Support the CLAIM Act - Sedgwick

Support the CLAIM Act


Sedgwick is an active member of the American Association of Independent Claims Professionals (AAICP), the leading organization representing the national advocacy interests of independent claims professionals. AAICP is working with Rep. Stephen Fincher, R-Tenn., to urge his colleagues in Congress to cosponsor the Claims Licensing Advancement for Interstate Matters Act or CLAIM Act – H.R. 2156. The CLAIM Act advances uniformity, reciprocity and consumer protection for claims adjusting across state lines.

As you may know, state licensure for claims adjusting is not currently reciprocal. Adjusters face a patchwork system of inconsistent state regulations that can delay the prompt adjustment of claims. If passed, the CLAIM Act will:

  • Enable independent claims adjusters to handle claims more efficiently and effectively across state lines by spurring reciprocal licensing reforms
  • Protect consumers by urging states to adopt uniform licensing criteria and by creating incentives for adjusters to take a multistate exam, proposed to be established by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
  • Facilitate accelerated adjusting of claims related to natural or other disasters

Sedgwick has carefully reviewed the legislation, and we believe the CLAIM Act will bring about important changes that will benefit our colleagues, as well as our clients, their employees/customers and our insurance partners.

We welcome you to consider joining the AAICP in petitioning Congress to support the CLAIM Act. The AAICP Advocacy Center has made it very easy to identify your congressional representative(s) based on your home ZIP code and email them to ask for their co-sponsorship of the act. Just a few minutes of your time will go a long way in making our voices heard on Capitol Hill. We have also provided links that allow you to find your U.S. congressional representative or U.S. Senator:

AAICP has also created a LinkedIn group; we encourage you to join to receive current information and participate in the conversation related to this important legislation.

Brenda G. Corey, CIPP, AIC, VP, Compliance & Regulatory Affairs

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