Linked In Medical Cost Drivers - Sedgwick

Center for Excellence: Medical Cost Drivers in Workers’ Compensation

The 2015 Workers' Compensation Educational Conference (WCEC) is just three weeks away. This year thousands of people will come together in Orlando from August 23 - 26 to learn and exchange ideas about challenges facing our industry and opportunities to serve clients and injured workers.


I am pleased that this year Sedgwick is sponsoring a new segment within the conference entitled The Center for Excellence – The Study of Medical Cost Drivers in Workers’ Compensation.

There will be six great sessions featuring many well-known industry experts. Steve Rissman and the rest of his team at WCI have done a great job again this year providing an outstanding conference line up.

At Sedgwick, we believe it is vital to look for new topics and unique perspectives that push the envelope and provide an even more meaningful learning experience. With the newly formed Center for Excellence, we are excited to provide a series of sessions that take a deep-dive into areas of greatest concern for attendees.  Our goal is to impart a level of thought-leadership that will provide attendees with unique perspectives, exceptional ideas and collaborative tools to handle the complex challenges they are facing in their daily work. Listed below are the six sessions that will be covered.

  1. Big data: Analytics and trends
  2. Advancements in management of catastrophic Injuries
  3. Managing prescription drugs and powerful narcotics
  4. Affordable Care Act: A workers' compensation status update
  5. Quality care movement
  6. Evolving health care models and workers' and compensation opportunities

I encourage you to attend the WCEC conference and The Center for Excellence sessions in particular. Watch the video below to hear more about my session on the Affordable Care Act. Richard Victor, Executive Director of the WCRI will join me in this session.

I look forward to seeing you in Orlando and especially in The Center for Excellence sessions sponsored by Sedgwick on Tuesday, August 25 and Wednesday, August 26.

Dave North, President & CEO of Sedgwick

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