Linked In Greater than the sum of our parts - Sedgwick

Greater than the sum of our parts

On April 16, Sedgwick announced the completion of the Cunningham Lindsey acquisition. Although the activity leading up to this important notice was significant, we knew that the real advantages for our clients would come in the near future. 

Sedgwick’s origins are rooted in the U.S. workers’ compensation market. In the decades following our founding in 1969, we broadened our focus to include disability and absence management, managed care, liability and other claims specialties. Thanks to our visionary leadership, dedicated colleagues, supportive investors and unparalleled resources, Sedgwick grew into America’s elite claims organization and the leading provider in every market we served.

We have known for years that our greatest opportunities for expansion were in the international, property and loss adjusting spaces. In 2014, Sedgwick acquired Vericlaim, a well-established, marquee business specializing in high-severity claims and other areas of loss adjusting. Bringing Vericlaim into the Sedgwick fold enabled us to handle property claims as a desktop and field adjuster and provide more comprehensive solutions to our clients. Working together and leveraging Sedgwick’s growth strategies, Vericlaim achieved significant organic growth beyond catastrophe-related revenue in just three years.

Vericlaim’s presence in the U.K. and leadership in their global network of affiliate partners brought Sedgwick into the international arena. However, most of their adjusting outside North America was done by affiliate partners, and Sedgwick has long preferred to manage owned operations. We began to grow outside the U.S. with the acquisition of OSG in Ireland and the expansion of our Canadian operations. Then, enter Cunningham Lindsey, which had just undergone its own structural changes and was ready for the next chapter in its storied history. In 2018, the timing was just right for Sedgwick and Cunningham Lindsey to join forces. Together, we can grow faster globally and become the largest claims administrator—both in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The Sedgwick footprint now includes a significant presence in hundreds of locations across more than 60 countries, with the ability to service clients in over 100 countries. But not only are we bigger; we are also better together. We have depth of talent, business knowledge and market relationships that are truly unmatched in the industry. With our combined resources in third-party administration, independent loss adjusting, major and complex loss, workers’ compensation, claims technology, disability and absence management, emergency preparedness and response, liability, business process outsourcing, managed care, contact centers and more, there is really nothing we can’t do for any client in the world. No one else has that kind of reach.

The market is hungry for a global provider delivering professional, high-quality claims solutions, and Sedgwick is well positioned to fill that void. Whether it’s global absence management, property adjusting, liability claims management, return to work or crisis response, we are the sole provider with the breadth and depth of experience to bring those kinds of solutions to life.

In the next 3-5 years, we will work together to leverage our resources and relationships to expand our client base, reaching more people in more places than ever before.

Focusing on our customers and taking care of people will enable us to drive results and ensure that the whole of Sedgwick’s combined global operation is greater than the sum of its parts.

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