Linked In More than ever, customer service can make or break your brand - Sedgwick

More than ever, customer service can make or break your brand

There’s nothing more damaging to a company’s reputation than ineffective and unpleasant customer service. Because technology has expanded our accessibility and connectivity, customer service is more critical now than it has ever been before. Today, consumers expect nothing less than an instant solution and easy access to support twenty-four-seven.

But as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep across the nation, social distancing has forced many companies to scale back or completely shut down their customer service call centers. While this is inconvenient to retailers and consumers, it’s especially problematic for companies dealing with recalls.

“… A whole new set of issues has emerged for companies facing product recalls,” attorneys Cheryl Falvey and Matthew Cohen note in a recent Law360 article. “Customer service call centers and company office buildings are closed. Retailers are trying to keep businesses afloat while their stores shutter.”

Whether you face a recall now or after the coronavirus pandemic subsides, here’s what you need to remember: Now, more than ever, consumers want something beyond mere answers – they want a personal connection and meaningful relationships.

Superior customer communications can be accessed through a wide range of relevant channels and should always provide immediate, concise, and helpful information. At the same time, experiences should be measured to ensure a consistently high standard of services.

Superior customer communications should also go above and beyond to include a personal, streamlined experience with your brand while also transforming warm leads into profitable sales and brand advocates. Superior customer communication requires a team of agents who understand your products and services, and are trained to speak with your brand voice.

Does your customer call center service accomplish this?

Because consumers increasingly demand “high-touch” responses from companies, our clients are depending more than ever on our first-in-class call center offerings that enhance their own customer-care services. Like them, we understand that successful customer support will not only keep consumers satisfied, it will increase positive word-of-mouth and boost revenue.

With our seamless inbound, outbound and multi-channel customer engagement support, we will redefine what’s possible for your customer experience – and we’ll do it on your behalf and in your unique brand voice.

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