Linked In Thrive during RIMS LIVE 2021 - Sedgwick

Thrive during RIMS LIVE 2021

It’s no secret that the RIMS conference is a highlight each year for me and my Sedgwick colleagues. It’s the time of year when everyone’s anticipation is high as industry professionals from around the world gather to exchange ideas, enjoy time together and develop lasting relationships. While it’s disappointing that we can’t see each other in person this year, I applaud RIMS CEO Mary Roth, the dedicated RIMS staff, and the RIMS board and advisory members for their extensive efforts in creating RIMS LIVE 2021 to bring us together from April 19-30. Undoubtedly, this promises to be an impactful and unforgettable couple of weeks, and I am excited about what’s in store, as is our CEO, Mike Arbour. Watch the video below for a welcome message from Mike to help kick off the week.

Our industry has not always been known for staying ahead of the innovation curve. The past year has proven that we are capable of adapting and moving more quickly than we ever expected. It’s been a time of change and growth — thanks to our motivated leaders and our dedicated colleagues, Sedgwick has found ways to thrive in the midst of unforeseen challenges. Many of our colleagues have been a steady support for injured and ill employees on the front lines of the global health crisis, or a help to those on leave to care for family members from home. Others have interacted remotely to resolve property claims, or protected the safety of others by cleaning and testing facilities to be sure they were virus-free. We’ve found new ways to engage with our clients and built solutions for never-before-seen concerns.

You will hear our experts, clients and partners talk about many of these ideas, concepts and services throughout RIMS LIVE. Don’t miss our educational sessions, where we'll cover risk management, social inflation, artificial intelligence, COVID-19 and more. Check out the Wellness Zenter, with on-demand sessions focused on developing healthy workplaces and workforces, healthy cooking tips, and additional ideas to make this your best year yet.

Also exciting about this year’s virtual format is the opportunity it gives us to be more inclusive of a broader audience —no matter where in the world they might be. You’ll find new opportunities to evolve your risk management approach through our Global Studio sessions, where our team shares best practices in brand protection, business interruption and addresses what’s on the minds of risk professionals and corporate leaders around the world.

Throughout the RIMS LIVE event, we invite you to set aside time to talk with us, visit our exhibit booth and engage with our experts. Find details about these opportunities to learn and additional ways to connect with us at; if you are not attending RIMS LIVE, be sure to follow our blog during and after the event for additional insight on these topics and beyond. We’d welcome a chance for a virtual meeting – let us know if you’d like to catch up.

I hope you are looking as forward to these RIMS LIVE events and opportunities as much as I am and that you’ll take advantage of the many available resources and tools the conference provides. And, of course, save the date because Sedgwick can’t let a RIMS pass us by without a memorable closing event — even a virtual one. I hope you’ll be right there with us on April 29 as we celebrate the heroes who help us thrive every day and share some great music from the Sedgwick house band.

Here’s to a great RIMS LIVE — and to reconnecting, rebounding and thriving in 2021.

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