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Posts related to ‘Absenteeism’

January 22, 2024
Audrey Bryan, operations director, workforce absence, Sedgwick, and Josephine Copeland, SVP, managed care product design and strategy, Sedgwick
Targeting programs on another level: paths to improving workforce well-being and productivity

Unplanned employee absences — whether due to on-the-job injuries, physical or mental health conditions, family care needs or personal circumstances — are on the rise. Hyper-targeted programs are emerging as an effective way to help employ…

January 22, 2024 by Audrey Bryan, operations director, workforce absence, Sedgwick, and Josephine Copeland, SVP, managed care product design and strategy, Sedgwick
June 14, 2023
Karen Samuel
Acting general manager, DHS
Managing employee absenteeism: the importance of prioritising employee well-being and the cost of ignoring it

Last year, Sedgwick acquired Direct Health Solutions (DHS), a leading specialist provider of employer-based telehealth solutions in Australia. In this blog, we are joined by Karen Samuel, acting general manager, DHS who weighs in on the importance of…

June 14, 2023 by Karen Samuel, Acting general manager, DHS
June 07, 2023
Audrey Bryan
director, business services
The missing link: using absence data to transform employee well-being

Absence utilization in the U.S. is at an all-time high. In January 2022, approximately 4.2 million employees worked part time because of illness, injuries, and other medical problems — the second highest percentage since data collection began i…

June 07, 2023 by Audrey Bryan, director, business services
March 15, 2023
Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance and Audrey Bryan, director operations – business service
Accounting for absenteeism: optimizing leave programs with a focus on care and engagement

If 2022 was the year of returning to work, 2023 is about keeping workers engaged. The global shift to remote work triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic may have shown us that employees can be productive without setting foot in an office, but both remote…

March 15, 2023 by Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance and Audrey Bryan, director operations – business service
August 10, 2022
Shane O'Dea
head of strategic partnerships and programs, workers compensation
Paving the way for improved recovery and return to work outcomes

When an employee is unable to work due to an illness or injury, early communication is key to improving recovery and return to work outcomes. In fact, research in Australia suggests that when contact is made with an injured worker within the first th…

August 10, 2022 by Shane O'Dea, head of strategic partnerships and programs, workers compensation
March 31, 2022
Dr. Teresa Bartlett, senior medical officer and Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
Mental wellness key to workforce and public health

In the U.S., April 4-10 marks National Public Health Week, which aims to educate policymakers, practitioners and the public about topics that are important to improving the health of our nation. Among the issues to be highlighted this year is menta…

March 31, 2022 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, senior medical officer and Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
April 28, 2014
Why employers need to pay more attention to stressed-out employees

Over the past few years, awareness has grown significantly about stress in the workplace. Ask any employee – at any company – and at any position if they have ever felt stressed on the job and they will tell you unequivocally, "yes." In fact, it's s…

April 28, 2014
End of results.