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Posts related to ‘Damage’

January 25, 2024
Gary Wilson and Lee Stevens — technical directors, complex liability, Sedgwick, UK
The basics of product liability for injury and damage claims

As adjusters and claims handlers, we frequently encounter claims relating to alleged defects or failures of products or services. In addition to common law duties and bespoke contracts entered into, there is legislation to consider, depending upon wh…

January 25, 2024 by Gary Wilson and Lee Stevens — technical directors, complex liability, Sedgwick, UK
October 25, 2023
Marc Schuling
special practice group leader, marine
Making waves in marine insurance claims

The marine insurance sector is a rather traditional business; we are not exactly known for being early adopters of innovation. Despite the tendency for slow adaptation to change, two factors are pushing the industry to begin thinking and operating di…

October 25, 2023 by Marc Schuling, special practice group leader, marine
August 07, 2023
Tony Morgan
national executive adjuster - major and complex loss
The art of loss adjusting

Loss adjusting is not just a science; it is an art. There is no doubt that loss adjusting requires technical know-how – or access to systems that provide such knowledge. The requisite proficiency spans a number of disciplines depending on the area i…

August 07, 2023 by Tony Morgan, national executive adjuster - major and complex loss
December 14, 2022
Beau Bishop, SVP, catastrophe operations, Mark Della Giustina, VP, building consulting services, and John Gragson, SVP, operations
Hurricane Ian: strategic preparation, critical response

After plowing through the Caribbean, Hurricane Ian made landfall in southwest Florida on Sept. 28 as a dangerous Category 4 storm. The catastrophic event took the lives of nearly 150 people and caused an estimated $70 billion in property damage in th…

December 14, 2022 by Beau Bishop, SVP, catastrophe operations, Mark Della Giustina, VP, building consulting services, and John Gragson, SVP, operations
September 29, 2022
Margot De Villiers
head of marine and executive surveyor, major and complex loss, Australia
Marine insurance: why institute cargo clauses matter

Imagine you purchase 10 timber crates of tools from a supplier halfway around the world. To get to you, the tools embark on a long and complicated journey: traveling on land (via train or truck) from the factory to an international seaport, getting l…

September 29, 2022 by Margot De Villiers, head of marine and executive surveyor, major and complex loss, Australia
August 29, 2022
Revel Boulon
senior marine surveyor/adjuster and leader, yacht practice
Navigating the waters of yacht coverage

While the word “yacht” may evoke images of leisure cruising and carefree living for many people, vessel owners know there is much to consider when it comes to protecting their maritime investment. This is particularly true for those who sail to, or k…

August 29, 2022 by Revel Boulon, senior marine surveyor/adjuster and leader, yacht practice
August 25, 2022
Chris Bakes, managing director, auto solutions; Jason Kurutz, director, product management and business strategy; and James Paprocki, managing director
Economic turmoil fuels the rising cost of auto claims

For more than two years, news of global economic fluctuation — driven by the fallout of COVID-19 and a variety of climatic, geopolitical and other factors — has dominated financial headlines. The automotive industry is, of course, not imm…

August 25, 2022 by Chris Bakes, managing director, auto solutions; Jason Kurutz, director, product management and business strategy; and James Paprocki, managing director
July 25, 2022
Arno de Jong
MCL expert, Netherlands
Are fire property insurance options still relevant amid current events?

Read the Dutch version Settling building damage poses challenges, especially during increasingly restrictive situations. As building and construction regulations continue to develop, customers and other parties in the market should consider how the …

July 25, 2022 by Arno de Jong, MCL expert, Netherlands
April 18, 2022
Andrew Bone, ACILA, Dip CII
chartered loss adjuster, MCL, New Zealand
Catastrophe response: all in a day’s work

Nearly one year ago, an Auckland-based manufacturer experienced a major fire that had a devastating impact. With the business, brand and the livelihoods of 50 employees at stake, the range of immediate concerns and challenges went beyond anything the…

April 18, 2022 by Andrew Bone, ACILA, Dip CII , chartered loss adjuster, MCL, New Zealand
March 29, 2022
Chris Bakes
managing director, auto solutions
What to expect when we’re inspecting: method of inspection in auto losses

March 29, 2022 by Chris Bakes, managing director, auto solutions
March 17, 2022
Steven Grutzmacher
general adjuster
Navigating water damage after a pipe bursts

For many public sector employees — including those with schools, municipalities, and utility districts — managing property losses may be just one responsibility of a much broader role. Imagine being a newly appointed school superintendent…

March 17, 2022 by Steven Grutzmacher, general adjuster
April 25, 2016
Mike McGee, ASE Senior Investigator, Investigative Locksmith, Unified Investigations & Sciences, Inc.
Taking a closer look when lightning strikes

According to the National Lightning Safety Institute, it is not uncommon for lightning to strike a vehicle, moving or parked. The effects of the strike vary from vehicle to vehicle depending on the circumstances related to the storm and vehicle typ…

April 25, 2016 by Mike McGee, ASE Senior Investigator, Investigative Locksmith, Unified Investigations & Sciences, Inc.
End of results.