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Posts related to ‘Wellness’

November 27, 2023
Mark Debus, clinical manager, behavioral health services and Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director and senior medical officer
Incentivizing healthy workplace culture

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Resignation staffing shakeup and other factors, workers are increasingly focused on what truly matters to them and what they deserve. And as the nationwide prevalence of mental health issues — particul…

November 27, 2023 by Mark Debus, clinical manager, behavioral health services and Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director and senior medical officer
August 15, 2023
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Catching z’s and harnessing the power of sleep

According to the experts, the average person should spend about one third of their lives sleeping, which equates to a recommended seven and nine hours each night. However, despite growing evidence that adequate sleep is vital to well-being, because o…

August 15, 2023 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
July 21, 2023
Brice Caswell
director product compliance & statutory administration
Better work-life balance begins with employers

Workplace culture has evolved beyond employees’ value lying solely in productivity; their whole selves and well-being matters, too. A sustainable work-life balance is critical to safeguarding well-being and improving the performance of workers. Now m…

July 21, 2023 by Brice Caswell, director product compliance & statutory administration
July 19, 2023
David Setzkorn
senior vice president workforce absence and disability practice leader
Is pickleball the latest threat to HR? Employers, the ball is in your court

Link to an entryThere is an underrated threat to employers today that no one is talking about: the game of pickleball. While I am joking about pickleball being a major peril, human resources professionals and organizations should pay attention to the…

July 19, 2023 by David Setzkorn, senior vice president workforce absence and disability practice leader
July 03, 2023
Mark Debus, clinical manager, behavioral health; Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance; and Cindy Parker, managing director, casualty
Reshaping the conversation around how employers support and accommodate employees

The past couple of years have given rise to some significant workplace trends — a war for talent, demands for flexible work options and an increased need for mental health support. Typically, we hear about these issues from the employee perspec…

July 03, 2023 by Mark Debus, clinical manager, behavioral health; Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance; and Cindy Parker, managing director, casualty
June 14, 2023
Karen Samuel
Acting general manager, DHS
Managing employee absenteeism: the importance of prioritising employee well-being and the cost of ignoring it

Last year, Sedgwick acquired Direct Health Solutions (DHS), a leading specialist provider of employer-based telehealth solutions in Australia. In this blog, we are joined by Karen Samuel, acting general manager, DHS who weighs in on the importance of…

June 14, 2023 by Karen Samuel, Acting general manager, DHS
June 07, 2023
Audrey Bryan
director, business services
The missing link: using absence data to transform employee well-being

Absence utilization in the U.S. is at an all-time high. In January 2022, approximately 4.2 million employees worked part time because of illness, injuries, and other medical problems — the second highest percentage since data collection began i…

June 07, 2023 by Audrey Bryan, director, business services
May 18, 2023
Rebecca Sherman, clinical behavioral health specialist and Mark Debus, clinical manager
Improved mental health for employees starts with awareness

No matter our profession or role, each of us has a responsibility to learn more about mental wellness and what we can do to help ourselves and others during Mental Health Awareness Month and throughout the year. In today's podcast, Rebecca Sherman, c…

May 18, 2023 by Rebecca Sherman, clinical behavioral health specialist and Mark Debus, clinical manager
May 04, 2023
Kim Krauss
managing director, global marketing and communications
Imagine a world where caring counts

At Sedgwick, we have a longtime commitment to supporting communities around the world through our corporate giving efforts. Every year at RIMS, we have the opportunity to build on our efforts by partnering with charities that align with our caring co…

May 04, 2023 by Kim Krauss, managing director, global marketing and communications
May 01, 2023
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Wellness ZENter: Imagine the possibilities for your health, wellness and productivity

Ahead of the annual RIMS RISKWORLD Conference and Exhibition — and throughout the year — we all invest considerable time, effort and resources to find solutions and ideas to improve the well-being of our organizations and the people who s…

May 01, 2023 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
April 27, 2023
Bob Peterson
Imagine the possibilities at RIMS 2023

As we come together for RIMS’ RISKWORLD conference April 30 – May 3, Sedgwick’s focus is on helping clients and the broader industry imagine what’s possible with the right knowledge, resources and solutions. There will be many opportunities to engage…

April 27, 2023 by Bob Peterson, president
April 07, 2023
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Back to basics on public health

April 7 is World Health Day, a time dedicated to raising awareness of issues in public health. From my experience as a medical doctor and my role at Sedgwick supporting our managed care team and advising on complex workers’ compensation cases, I’ve h…

April 07, 2023 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
April 04, 2023
Rebecca Sherman
clinical behavioral health specialist
Freedom from the stress: recognizing symptoms, managing demands

April is Stress Awareness Month, an observance dedicated to increasing public awareness about the causes and cures for today’s stress epidemic. In this blog, I want to explore the meaning of stress, what contributes to it, how to recognize it and som…

April 04, 2023 by Rebecca Sherman, clinical behavioral health specialist
November 21, 2022
Dr. Paul Peak
vice president, clinical pharmacy
The dopamine detox trend: reconnecting by disconnecting

Every 10 to 12 minutes. That’s how often we, on average, reach out to grab our smartphones each day. Whether we do so consciously or subconsciously, it equates to between 80 and 110 daily touches of our devices. Smartphones have transformed the way w…

November 21, 2022 by Dr. Paul Peak, vice president, clinical pharmacy
July 28, 2022
Dr. Reema Hammoud
AVP, clinical pharmacy
The impact of sleep on employee safety and effectiveness

Did you know that approximately one third of Americans experience a sleep disorder at some point in their lives? It’s essential to address the root cause and determine the best course of action — for your health, safety and productivity. In thi…

July 28, 2022 by Dr. Reema Hammoud, AVP, clinical pharmacy
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