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Posts related to ‘accident’

November 22, 2022
Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development, and Malcolm Hughes, executive chairman, Ireland
Accident and health coverage: the right care when things go wrong

If we’ve learned anything from the past few years, it’s to expect the unexpected. Illness can strike at any moment. Accidents happen. Flights are delayed or canceled without warning. Luggage might not arrive at its intended destination. Supply chain …

November 22, 2022 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development, and Malcolm Hughes, executive chairman, Ireland
July 22, 2022
Caroline Brun, director of sales and marketing, Sedgwick France
Improving the customer journey after a disaster

Lisez ceci en français Home accident claims are a frequent risk with economic stakes often impacting how the insurance sector is viewed by the public. To better understand the expectations of policyholders following a home accident, we conducted a c…

July 22, 2022 by Caroline Brun, director of sales and marketing, Sedgwick France
September 21, 2017
Lee Powell, VP Complex Loss Division, Vericlaim Canada
Beyond property: What you need to know about EBI

Many business owners make assumptions about what is included under their property policy. Property policies are designed to cover damage to equipment caused by external means; however, in the case of an internal malfunction, are you covered? Equipm…

September 21, 2017 by Lee Powell, VP Complex Loss Division, Vericlaim Canada
August 16, 2017
Laurie Walker, CIP, CRM, SVP, Director of Operations, Canada
Definition of “accident” under Ontario auto accident benefits policy expands to “trip and fall!”

In a recent License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) decision between a claimant and TD Insurance Meloche Monex (D.S. and TD Insurance Meloche Monex #16-000131/AABS), it would seem the stranger the circumstances, the wider the allowance to access Ontario acci…

August 16, 2017 by Laurie Walker, CIP, CRM, SVP, Director of Operations, Canada
End of results.