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Posts related to ‘food safety’

December 08, 2023
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
U.S. quarterly recalls fall in Q3 but remain on track to reach five-year high for 2023

U.S. product recalls fell more than 10% in the third quarter of 2023, the largest quarterly decline recorded in over three years according to Sedgwick’s latest Recall Index report. Despite this decrease, 2023 still remains on track to hit a five-year…

December 08, 2023 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
October 10, 2022
Ryan Gooley
New FDA report sheds light on infant formula crisis

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came under harsh criticism this past year after a commercial infant shortage formula in the U.S. For months, Congress and parent advocacy groups have been pressuring the agency to investigate why this crisis eru…

October 10, 2022 by Ryan Gooley
June 06, 2022
Chris Occleshaw
recall consultant
Food safety priorities for the coming year

With an increase of food-related product recalls in the European Union and United Kingdom in the past few years, food safety has become an increasingly relevant topic worldwide. Consumers and regulators are paying closer attention to food safety and …

June 06, 2022 by Chris Occleshaw, recall consultant
May 05, 2022
Guest author: Nicola Smith
Spotlight: The scope of food safety is expanding in the EU and the UK

Foreword by Julie Ross, international business development director at Sedgwick: Welcome to the latest edition of spotlight. Spotlight is our way of sharing insights and perspectives from our strategic partners – lawyers, insurers, risk managers and…

May 05, 2022 by Guest author: Nicola Smith
April 18, 2022
Ryan Gooley
recall consultant
With the FDA’s latest recall guidance, mock recalls are now a must

As COVID-19 begins to subside, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), like other federal agencies is shifting its focus away from the pandemic and back toward more routine issues. As an example, the FDA recently published its final guidance out…

April 18, 2022 by Ryan Gooley, recall consultant
September 22, 2021
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
Pet food faces increased scrutiny as regulators hold manufacturers accountable

Research [1] has shown that many people prefer the company of their pets to that of their children. So it should come as no surprise that recent pet food recalls have angered pet lovers and spurred regulators to swift action. And of course, plaintiff…

September 22, 2021 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
June 04, 2021
Mark Buckingham
The hidden danger in common crops

You can’t see, taste or smell them but aflatoxins can be present in everyday dried staples. And with COVID-19 and global warming impacting crop production and storage, they are on the rise. During the month of April 2021, there were 22 RASFF (Rapid…

June 04, 2021 by Mark Buckingham
March 15, 2021
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
Fruit and vegetables send European border controls into overdrive

Producers and their supply chains are all aware of the global trend that is being driven by consumers around wellbeing. Those in the food and drink industry play a significant role in responding to it. Consumers have cultivated a deeper understanding…

March 15, 2021 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
December 22, 2020
Ryan Gooley
Everything you need to know about the FDA’s proposed food traceability rule

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a proposed rule to establish traceability recordkeeping requirements for certain foods. The proposal applies to those who manufacture, process, pack or hold foods designated for inclusion on the Fo…

December 22, 2020 by Ryan Gooley
July 17, 2020
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
Consider the FDA’s new food safety blueprint a warning

After months of COVID-19-related delays, the FDA has just released its “New Era of Smarter Food Safety: Blueprint for the Future.” Part of that blueprint focuses on recall modernization – a process that actually has been ongoing even without FDA’s cl…

July 17, 2020 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
May 05, 2020
Ryan Gooley
Blue Bell: A cautionary tale for all food companies

News about Blue Bell Creameries’ guilty plea and $19 million in federal fines linked to a deadly 2015 listeria outbreak that led to a series of ice cream recalls serves as a cautionary tale for all food companies operating in today’s punishing media …

May 05, 2020 by Ryan Gooley
April 20, 2020
Ryan Gooley
Food recalls in the midst of the pandemic

Food means joy, comfort – and frankly, employment – for many. But these days, food has too often become synonymous with uncertainty, stress, and fear. As coronavirus began to spread in the U.S., consumers rushed to supermarkets to stock up on food…

April 20, 2020 by Ryan Gooley
March 18, 2020
Amanda Combs
recall consultant
Future cost of COVID-19 on pharma manufacturers

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to increase worldwide, numerous questions and a tremendous amount of misinformation cloud the issue. Many remain confused about how the virus is transmitted, how dangerous it is, and what treatments for it ma…

March 18, 2020 by Amanda Combs, recall consultant
February 13, 2020
Coronavirus and Food Safety: The Latest Consumer Fear

Consumers around the world are fearful about the latest novel coronavirus (currently named “2019-nCoV”), which has so far infected tens of thousands of people and killed hundreds more. As with any major viral outbreak, concerns arise over the safety …

February 13, 2020
February 10, 2020
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
Preying on fear, activists call for more food safety regulation

In the aftermath of widespread romaine lettuce, flour, and chicken-strip recalls in 2019, the U.S. PIRG Education Fund is calling for upgrades to food-safety regulation in the 2020 edition of its food safety report, “How Safe is Our Food?” In most c…

February 10, 2020 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
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