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Posts related to ‘strategy’

March 30, 2023
Leah Cooper
managing director, global consumer technology
Automation in claims is not an all-or-nothing prospect

Against the backdrop of a tight labor market and consumer expectations of instant gratification, many customers are eagerly looking for ways to bring greater efficiency to the claims process without sacrificing the end-user experience. Oftentimes, au…

March 30, 2023 by Leah Cooper, managing director, global consumer technology
June 09, 2022
James Norman
International business development director
Strategic partnerships: Is the added value worth the risk?

With the complexity of today’s globalised business environment, it’s naïve to think that any one organisation can be everything to everyone. It’s quite impossible for even a large, multinational service provider to specialise in all areas or have cov…

June 09, 2022 by James Norman, International business development director
January 13, 2022
James Norman
International business development director
Corporate governance and claims management in Africa

African insurers are constantly evolving best practices to ensure they further adopt international insurance principles, stay compliant with changing regulations and leverage opportunities to grow — whether that be through International Finance…

January 13, 2022 by James Norman, International business development director
December 16, 2021
James Norman
International business development director
Africa and insurance claims management: Building momentum

With a young population, strong human capital and large regional insurance hubs, the potential of the African insurance sector is well known. As the second fastest growing insurance market behind Latin America, it has a landscape all its own with est…

December 16, 2021 by James Norman, International business development director
August 02, 2021
David Stills
senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
A look ahead: 6 ways to ensure success of our risk management program

In part one of this blog, we focused on market reflection — discussing trends and lessons learned. Next, we’ll explore six ways to ensure success of our risk management programs moving forward. Make purposeful insurance buying decisions Ma…

August 02, 2021 by David Stills, senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
December 03, 2018
George Furlong, SVP Managed Care, Sedgwick
Improved decision making: Three keys to getting value from data analytics

In today’s information age, data is everywhere. We’re inundated with it. But gathering data is just one piece of a much larger puzzle. Data isn’t very useful if nothing is done with it. It’s the analysis that leads to using data effectively to make b…

December 03, 2018 by George Furlong, SVP Managed Care, Sedgwick
October 19, 2018
Peer Dialogues: Resolution settlement strategies

What do we discuss with our colleagues and peers at meetings, conferences and around the proverbial water cooler? What are the topics we read about in trade publications or LinkedIn posts?  What causes risk managers and those who develop claims’…

October 19, 2018
End of results.