Linked In David Gear, director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland) - Sedgwick

David Gear

director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
January 19, 2023
David Gear
director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
Addressing claims preparation costs cover

In the last five years, cover for claim preparation costs has been written into policies more frequently. Prior to this policy cover expansion, the cost of the appointed loss assessor or brokers' in-house claims specialist would be paid for by the po…

January 19, 2023 by David Gear, director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
December 12, 2022
David Gear
director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
Tales and costs of the unexpected: when the level of cover is not enough

Many adjusters have found themselves in a common situation: whilst building sums insured and/or declared values are initially considered adequate, after testing, they are ultimately found to be insufficient. This is often due to adverse factors and u…

December 12, 2022 by David Gear, director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
August 03, 2022
David Gear
director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
Tenant improvements and coverage considerations

Insurance policies arranged to cover improvements made to rental properties by a tenant may appear to be a relatively simple concept. After all, a landlord can likely recognise the upgrades or improvements made to their property. However, for cover t…

August 03, 2022 by David Gear, director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
July 05, 2022
David Gear
director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
When crowdfunding meets an insurance policy

While it’s not a new concept, crowdfunding — raising funds through groups of people online — continues to draw the interest of many. This practice allows individuals to give to a member of their community, a business or a cause they’re pa…

July 05, 2022 by David Gear, director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
February 10, 2022
David Gear
director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
When the cladding crisis meets an insurance policy

Nearly five years after the Grenfell Tower fire in London, hundreds of thousands of homeowners and leaseholders are still living in potentially dangerous buildings. Billions have been invested in building safety, including government assistance and p…

February 10, 2022 by David Gear, director, head of major and complex loss (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
End of results.
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