Linked In Conversation threads for 2020 - Sedgwick

Conversation threads for 2020

Sedgwick’s industry experts and thought leaders are committed to keeping our clients informed on emerging trends and industry news. We’re excited to introduce our list of “Conversation threads for 2020,” which highlights the topics and trends that employers, risk management and human resource professionals, brokers and carriers should watch for in the new year. 

By finding the common threads that connect us all, we can continue to come together as we explore everything from consumer experience to digital development. The topics below are part of our Conversation threads for 2020 that our team, alongside our partners, will continue to write about and create solutions for throughout the year. As always, we welcome your feedback. What areas do you look forward to learning more about? Let us know in the comments.

Evolving experience

Pairing digital-first technology with human-centered solutions will continue to help improve the claims experience and simplify the process for consumers.

Caring culture

Across the claims spectrum, adjusters are evolving into partners and advocates for the consumer, offering claims expertise and assistance with a focus on empathy and compassion.

Breaking barriers

From the point of need, throughout a claim and through to resolution, our industry continues to shine a light on ways to reduce and break down barriers to care for injured individuals, as well as removing inefficiencies that can slow down resolution of property claims.

Compliance complexities

Business owners around the world may face different compliance challenges, but they all are concerned with how to stay on top of regulatory changes, streamline their processes, create stronger work environments, maintain safety and keep compliance simple.

Major mitigation

Major and complex losses are becoming an increasing concern for all lines of business. When facing extreme weather events, crisis management situations, the impact of “nuclear” verdicts and other precedent-changing forces, the question is, “How can we prepare for the unexpected?”

Digital development

Digital evolution forces us to rethink the claims process as we know it. With the next wave of technology, we will see big changes in the way adjusters work, reducing cost and delivering faster and smarter response.

Ready resilience

No matter the reason for a claim, whether property, casualty, benefits, marine or any other type, or where it happens around the world, developing the ability to recover quickly is a common theme.

Workforce watch

We’ve talked about changing workforce demographics and ways to attract and retain talent for years… but that doesn’t change the fact that these are still key issues – for the insurance industry and beyond. What strategies are gaining viability in addressing ongoing productivity challenges?

Trending themes

During 2020, we expect several topics to increase in relevance, from geopolitical concerns – particularly with major elections taking place in the U.S. and elsewhere – to the impact of climate change and connected regulations in different parts of the world. Cyber threats will continue to intensify and the hardening insurance market may cause organizations to take a new look at their strategies.

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