Linked In ADAS and the future of transportation claims - Sedgwick

ADAS and the future of transportation claims

Technology advancements can present challenges in any industry, but the benefits and opportunities often outweigh them. Recently in the automotive space, we’ve noticed a greater demand for claims adjusting support involving the deployment of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) — systems that augment a vehicle’s performance monitoring, warning, braking and steering tasks. A typical ADAS application incorporates many technologies, as shown in the graphic below from McKinsey & Company. Of these technologies, sensors have become a particular challenge and risk that adjusters must assess in the event of a crash.

Graphic credit: McKinsey & Company

Consider an incident in which a car is involved in what appears to be a simple fender bender with limited physical damage. While the collision may not appear to have caused any significant issues to the outside of the car, there is still a possibility of internal or unseen damages.

For example, automatic braking systems use radar and cameras to determine whether or not they need to be triggered. If the sensor is intended to face straight forward and a crash causes it to shift upwards, it will activate when it’s not supposed to — putting the driver and passengers at risk. Other sensors have the ability to prevent accidents by steering the wheel for you if you drive over a line. If the sensors are out of alignment or malfunctioning, the risk of the system misreading a situation or missing a chance to apply corrective technology increases. ADAS advancements were developed to keep people safe, but technical glitches can interfere. That’s why understanding this technology is so important.

Addressing the growing technology needs of the transportation industry

The use of ADAS is expanding from premium to mass offerings in markets around the world, and as more and more manufacturers install car sensors, new technologies need to be developed to assess them. Building ADAS fundamentals into our Vale Training program was an essential component of the curriculum.

In the scanning process, technicians are alerted of issues involving the sensors, and then must ensure they function, check their calibration, and complete an estimate before the vehicle can be repaired for safe operation. In the classroom, our use of asTech scanning technology trains students on the benefits of using technology to confirm their approach to the claim and validates if their analysis of the claim is complete. We use this same teaching approach in our electric vehicles, tractor trailer and heavy equipment adjusting programs.

Full speed ahead

While worries about technology in the transportation industry remain, many experts see current and future advancements as stable or improving. The influence of a growing gig economy, for instance, is broadening our acceptance of new ways to leverage evolving technologies. Having on-demand adjusters in the field, supported by new technology, has encouraged more flexibility and is opening up our industry to different approaches.

And as new platforms are introduced, new opportunities are developed. While we may be a generation or two away from ADAS for driverless vehicles, the industry is well on its way. And the opportunities for automotive professionals have only just begun.

About Vale Training:

Vale Training, a subsidiary of Sedgwick, specializes in training solutions that turn knowledge into productivity. Vale’s staff of experts is unparalleled in training excellence. With a legacy of more than 600 courses and webinars, Vale trains estimators and adjusters to succeed by providing 24/7 access to online modules, state-of-the-art classrooms, technology and laboratories, and practical hands-on applications to equip students to use what they learn faster than other training alternatives. Our specialized programs cover residential and commercial buildings, the automotive sector including gas and electric vehicles, tractor-trailers and heavy equipment as well as certifications in advanced roofing, drone operation and paintless dent repair (PDR). For more, see

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