Linked In Coronavirus – statutory state updates - Sedgwick

Coronavirus – statutory state updates

As we continue to track updates to workforce absence-related laws to support coronavirus (COVID-19) absences, we have created a statutory state chart as a resource to help make sense of the changes. The matrix includes scenarios to identify which benefits an individual may be eligible for in each state. Additionally we have provided links to information on how the states with disability and/or paid family leave laws are addressing these programs as they relate to current COVID-19 concerns.

Statutory state updates

Of note, both California and Rhode Island have made changes to their programs in response to COVID-19, as follows:

Waiting period waivers

CA State Disability Insurance (SDI) and RI Temporary Disability insurance (TDI) are waiving the initial 7-day waiting period requirement for disability leaves related to COVID-19. These individuals would be eligible for benefits as of day one of their disability leave.

Medical certification waivers

RI TDI: For individuals under quarantine, RI TDI is waiving the required medical certification, and instead will allow them to temporarily qualify via self-attestation that they were under quarantine due to COVID-19.

Please note that this information is subject to change as additional updates are released by each of the statutory states. We will keep you posted as we hear more.

Ongoing coronavirus updates

We continue to share the latest news, service updates and guidance for clients as they protect the health and safety of their workforces during this unprecedented time. Stay tuned to our news feed for additional coronavirus coverage, including our analysis of coronavirus relief legislation that has now passed in both the House and the Senate.

Also consider adding the upcoming DMEC virtual compliance conference to your calendar – details are forthcoming, but save the date for Monday, March 23. I’ll be part of a panel discussing “Coordination of Benefits: A Practical Guide for Employers,” which will focus on ways for communities and businesses across the country to respond to late-breaking legislative changes and mandatory precautionary measures related to coronavirus, including the expansion of paid time off and updates to state legislation.

Stay tuned for additional developments – and stay healthy, everyone. Use the comments to share your questions or let us know how we can help.

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