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Posts related to ‘COVID-19’

December 05, 2023
Jeff Burmeister
client services director, Sedgwick
The pandemic may have ended, but unemployment fraud isn’t going away

A recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlights the scope of unemployment insurance (UI) fraud during the COVID pandemic, when claims for supplemental government relief programs increased sharply. The total amount of C…

December 05, 2023 by Jeff Burmeister, client services director, Sedgwick
October 30, 2023
Christina Wunder
head of DHS
Navigating future uncertainties: the crucial role of risk management for employers

Last year, Sedgwick acquired Direct Health Solutions (DHS), a leading specialist provider of employer-based telehealth solutions in Australia. In this blog, we are joined by Christina Wunder, who weighs in on the importance of effective risk manageme…

October 30, 2023 by Christina Wunder, head of DHS
October 04, 2023
David Setzkorn
senior vice president workforce absence and disability practice leader
Horror sequels: the return of COVID

Fall always leads to one of my favorite holidays — Halloween. Scary, spooky things abound in stores, kids (and adults) get ready for trick-or-treating, and we typically get unnecessary horror movie sequels that aren't quite as good as the origi…

October 04, 2023 by David Setzkorn, senior vice president workforce absence and disability practice leader
May 10, 2023
Bryon Bass
SVP disability and absence management
The lingering impact of long COVID: employee and employer challenges

As COVID-19 continues to linger and mutate three years after the emergence of a global pandemic, there’s still much we don’t fully understand about its impact — and critical issues are becoming more evident. Among the most problematic is long C…

May 10, 2023 by Bryon Bass, SVP disability and absence management
April 07, 2023
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Back to basics on public health

April 7 is World Health Day, a time dedicated to raising awareness of issues in public health. From my experience as a medical doctor and my role at Sedgwick supporting our managed care team and advising on complex workers’ compensation cases, I’ve h…

April 07, 2023 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
March 15, 2023
Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance and Audrey Bryan, director operations – business service
Accounting for absenteeism: optimizing leave programs with a focus on care and engagement

If 2022 was the year of returning to work, 2023 is about keeping workers engaged. The global shift to remote work triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic may have shown us that employees can be productive without setting foot in an office, but both remote…

March 15, 2023 by Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance and Audrey Bryan, director operations – business service
January 18, 2023
Adam Morell, JD - AVP, product compliance and Audrey Bryan - director, operations
Changing workplace accommodation requests and litigation trends

New state leave laws, changing employee expectations and long COVID are driving change when it comes to accommodations. As workers increasingly expect their employers to provide safety nets in supporting their physical and mental health, states are c…

January 18, 2023 by Adam Morell, JD - AVP, product compliance and Audrey Bryan - director, operations
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Interrupción de las cadenas de suministro globales: actuar y anticiparse a los retos futuros

lee esto en ingles Empresas de todo el mundo sintieron en los últimos años el impacto del COVID-19, los conflictos geopolíticos, los retrasos y la inflación. Para llevar a cabo su actividad con normalidad, tuvieron que hacer frente a estos factores …

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas , MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Global supply chain disruptions: anticipating future challenges and taking early action

Read this in Spanish. Companies around the world felt the last several years impact of COVID-19, geopolitical conflicts, delays and inflation. To conduct business as usual, they had to contend with these unruly factors and find ways to adapt their o…

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas, MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
November 08, 2022
Skot Penfold, head of building consultancy services, New Zealand
A look back at the Westport floods

More than one year ago, heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding in Westport, New Zealand. Swollen rivers burst their banks, and floodwaters cascaded right across the Buller District — damaging properties, roads and surrounding farmland. More …

November 08, 2022 by Skot Penfold, head of building consultancy services, New Zealand
October 28, 2022
Josephine Copeland - SVP product design and strategy, Dr. Teresa Bartlett - managing director and Jason Bliss - SVP business development
National Comp recap

Staffing demands are top of mind for employers around the world and across all industries. How do we support claims examiners as case load increases, especially during a time when attracting and retaining talent is so difficult? Many employers have e…

October 28, 2022 by Josephine Copeland - SVP product design and strategy, Dr. Teresa Bartlett - managing director and Jason Bliss - SVP business development
October 27, 2022
Bryon Bass, SVP, workforce absence, and Adam Morell, AVP, product compliance
Accommodating cognitive limitations in the workplace

We know from scientific studies and anecdotal evidence that “brain fog” is among the most common symptoms of long COVID. According to the Solve Long COVID Initiative, 58% of people with post-COVID symptoms lasting seven months or longer have experien…

October 27, 2022 by Bryon Bass, SVP, workforce absence, and Adam Morell, AVP, product compliance
October 10, 2022
Rebecca Sherman
clinical behavioral health specialist
Mental wellness: awareness to action

Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day, a time designated for education around mental health issues and mobilizing efforts to support people around the globe. This topic is important to me not only because I’m a licensed clinical social worker and claims…

October 10, 2022 by Rebecca Sherman, clinical behavioral health specialist
October 04, 2022
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
What does post-pandemic look like? More oversight all around

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the business world in numerous ways. Virtual meetings, remote work schedules, travel restrictions, and supply chain volatility are just a few examples of the new reality we’ll inevitably face ongoing. To that list yo…

October 04, 2022 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
September 06, 2022
Max Koonce
chief claims officer
Considerations for the future of workers’ compensation

Workers’ compensation’s original premise, the “Grand Bargain”, has remained consistent since its inception in the early 20th century. There have been exceptions and variations to the definition of disease and injury coverage, types of benefits and to…

September 06, 2022 by Max Koonce, chief claims officer
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