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Posts related to ‘Netherlands’

December 05, 2022
Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
Renewing your business insurance policy during turbulent times

Lees de Nederlandse versie. Amid economically challenging times, measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 negatively impacted sales for entrepreneurs worldwide. During lockdown periods, the Netherlands government organized assistance to mitigate th…

December 05, 2022 by Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
December 05, 2022
Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
Uw bedrijfsverzekering vernieuwen in turbulente tijden

Read the English version. In de recente economisch uitdagende tijden rond COVID-19 hadden maatregelen om de verspreiding van COVID-19 tegen te gaan een negatief effect op de omzetontwikkeling van ondernemers wereldwijd. Tijdens lockdown-periodes org…

December 05, 2022 by Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
September 16, 2022
Darin Miller, national marine manager and Marc Schuling, marine manager - Netherlands
Embrace, elevate and expand your view at IUMI 2022

More cargo is being shipped to scale up production of renewables — between solar and wind farms. And we may start to see less shipping of oil and gas pipe machinery, refinery and construction equipment as we wean off of fossil fuels. Additional…

September 16, 2022 by Darin Miller, national marine manager and Marc Schuling, marine manager - Netherlands
June 21, 2019
Carlos Mantecas Alonso
Director of Marine & Cargo, Sedgwick Iberia
El sector marítimo navegando en la cuarta revolución industrial

Desde hace unas semanas se puede ver en televisión el nuevo anuncio de uno de los SUV más vendidos del mercado. No recordaría el anuncio si no fuera porque además de todo tipo de prestaciones se anuncia que es capaz de circular por autopista sin la a…

June 21, 2019 by Carlos Mantecas Alonso, Director of Marine & Cargo, Sedgwick Iberia
June 21, 2019
Carlos Mantecas Alonso
Director of Marine & Cargo, Sedgwick Iberia
Marine sector sailing through the fourth industrial revolution

Spanish version: For a few weeks now, a new commercial for one of the best-selling SUVs on the market can be seen on television. I wou…

June 21, 2019 by Carlos Mantecas Alonso, Director of Marine & Cargo, Sedgwick Iberia
End of results.