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Posts related to ‘Policies’

November 09, 2023
David Setzkorn, senior vice president, workforce absence, disability practice leader and Adam Morell, JD, assistant vice president, product compliance
A new day has dawned: what employers need to know about religious accommodations

A recent Supreme Court case will have wide-ranging implications for employers as it relates to religious accommodations. The ruling established a new standard for employers to meet if claiming that a requested religious accommodation would unduly bur…

November 09, 2023 by David Setzkorn, senior vice president, workforce absence, disability practice leader and Adam Morell, JD, assistant vice president, product compliance
August 28, 2023
Bob Richards
OAM, national executive adjuster
Understanding proximate cause

In the insurance space, the concept of proximate cause plays a pivotal role in determining the outcome of insurance claims. Insurance policies are designed to provide coverage for specific perils and damages, but when multiple events occur simultaneo…

August 28, 2023 by Bob Richards, OAM, national executive adjuster
August 14, 2023
David Waller
director, head of environmental adjusting
Are forever chemicals the next great risk exposure?

Have you seen the 2019 film “Dark Waters”? Starring Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway and other Hollywood A-listers, the movie is based on the true story of an attorney’s 15-year fight for justice for the people of a small West Virginia town who for years …

August 14, 2023 by David Waller, director, head of environmental adjusting
May 02, 2023
Danny Miller
EVP, property loss adjusting
Fire’s fury: strategies for preparedness

When enterprise risk managers develop organizational disaster response plans, catastrophes like tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes are usually top of mind. But, the possibility of a devastating fire cannot and should not be overlooked, as a fire lo…

May 02, 2023 by Danny Miller, EVP, property loss adjusting
December 05, 2022
Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
Renewing your business insurance policy during turbulent times

Lees de Nederlandse versie. Amid economically challenging times, measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 negatively impacted sales for entrepreneurs worldwide. During lockdown periods, the Netherlands government organized assistance to mitigate th…

December 05, 2022 by Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
December 05, 2022
Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
Uw bedrijfsverzekering vernieuwen in turbulente tijden

Read the English version. In de recente economisch uitdagende tijden rond COVID-19 hadden maatregelen om de verspreiding van COVID-19 tegen te gaan een negatief effect op de omzetontwikkeling van ondernemers wereldwijd. Tijdens lockdown-periodes org…

December 05, 2022 by Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
September 29, 2022
Margot De Villiers
head of marine and executive surveyor, major and complex loss, Australia
Marine insurance: why institute cargo clauses matter

Imagine you purchase 10 timber crates of tools from a supplier halfway around the world. To get to you, the tools embark on a long and complicated journey: traveling on land (via train or truck) from the factory to an international seaport, getting l…

September 29, 2022 by Margot De Villiers, head of marine and executive surveyor, major and complex loss, Australia
August 29, 2022
Revel Boulon
senior marine surveyor/adjuster and leader, yacht practice
Navigating the waters of yacht coverage

While the word “yacht” may evoke images of leisure cruising and carefree living for many people, vessel owners know there is much to consider when it comes to protecting their maritime investment. This is particularly true for those who sail to, or k…

August 29, 2022 by Revel Boulon, senior marine surveyor/adjuster and leader, yacht practice
May 04, 2022
Martha McGorman
MCL adjuster
Maximum Indemnity Period: Is 12 months long enough?

All too often, we see claims where an insufficient Maximum Indemnity Period (MIP) has been set — resulting in serious consequences related to the recovery of the policyholder’s business. When the MIP — known as the time interval for insur…

May 04, 2022 by Martha McGorman, MCL adjuster
July 19, 2021
Chris Harvey
VP, crisis solution
CBD and cannabis: With opportunity comes risk

An exclusive life sciences webinar hosted recently by Sedgwick’s brand protection experts offered insight into the latest product safety challenges facing medical device, pharmaceutical and life sciences companies, including an insightful discussion …

July 19, 2021 by Chris Harvey, VP, crisis solution
April 28, 2014
Why employers need to pay more attention to stressed-out employees

Over the past few years, awareness has grown significantly about stress in the workplace. Ask any employee – at any company – and at any position if they have ever felt stressed on the job and they will tell you unequivocally, "yes." In fact, it's s…

April 28, 2014
End of results.