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Posts related to ‘Telemedicine’

July 15, 2021
Mark Debus, MSW, LCSW
manager, behavioral health services
Midway mark: Looking back and moving forward

Flipping the calendar to see July 2021 made the past eighteen months seem surreal. The lockdown during 2020 was difficult enough, but now more than halfway through 2021, many are finding it just as mentally challenging to re-enter the world — w…

July 15, 2021 by Mark Debus, MSW, LCSW, manager, behavioral health services
April 01, 2021
Tracey Davanport, BSN, RN, CCM, CLCP, Vice President, Clinical Operations and Beth Burry, Senior Vice President, Case Management, Clinically Integrated Programs
Behind the scenes with our nurse case managers during the pandemic

Many people are familiar with the role nurse case managers play in the return to work process. They review an injured employee’s medical records, coordinate and expedite medical treatment and procedures, locate the best medical care and physicians to…

April 01, 2021 by Tracey Davanport, BSN, RN, CCM, CLCP, Vice President, Clinical Operations and Beth Burry, Senior Vice President, Case Management, Clinically Integrated Programs
August 28, 2020
Workers’ compensation health disparities in a post-COVID-19 environment

The inarguable fact of COVID-19 is that the coronavirus itself has been an indiscriminate and equal-opportunity tragedy on a global scale. Women and men, young and old, across the world and right next door, COVID-19 has impacted the way in which we l…

August 28, 2020
July 31, 2020
Jennifer Milton
Team Leader / Senior Claims Manager, Sedgwick Germany
What lasting, positive transformations may we see because of COVID-19?

Headlines continually tell us about the plethora of changes and disturbances taking place around the globe and in most aspects of our lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And whether the end to this catastrophe will occur through the development of re…

July 31, 2020 by Jennifer Milton, Team Leader / Senior Claims Manager, Sedgwick Germany
March 31, 2020
Mark Debus, MSW, LCSW, Behavioral Health Team Lead and Rebecca Sherman, MSW, LMSW, ACSW, Behavioral Health Specialist
How can we address unique challenges of injured and ill workers staying at home?

We are living in very challenging and surreal times. In response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, countries, cities and states have instituted mandatory restrictions on public gatherings, closed non-essential businesses and given “stay-at-home” ord…

March 31, 2020 by Mark Debus, MSW, LCSW, Behavioral Health Team Lead and Rebecca Sherman, MSW, LMSW, ACSW, Behavioral Health Specialist
November 22, 2019
Lisa Orr
senior human factors consultant
Remote office ergonomics: Simple adjustments, big benefits

As our office environment becomes more sedentary, we’re discovering the need for office ergonomics programs. Employees may spend long hours sitting in an uncomfortable chair, or at a desk that’s not quite the right height. This puts them at risk of p…

November 22, 2019 by Lisa Orr, senior human factors consultant
October 18, 2019
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Strategies for improving mental health at the workplace

The first step toward improving mental health issues in the workplace is to raise awareness of these conditions and identify ways to assist those needing treatment. Sometimes, employers are surprised to learn the scale and scope of mental illnes…

October 18, 2019 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
July 13, 2018
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Telemedicine is a great option – but buyer be aware

Employers considering telemedicine as a treatment option for occupational injuries can anticipate its advantages, but should be aware of two important things:     Have an experienced clinician providing care direction. Some state r…

July 13, 2018 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
July 28, 2017
Andrea Buhl, SVP Clinically Integrated Medical Program
Accuracy is a commodity

The consequences of initial care direction Accurate initial care direction can make all the difference in the outcome of a workers' compensation claim. When experienced clinicians are engaged and referencing proven triage guidelines, their guidanc…

July 28, 2017 by Andrea Buhl, SVP Clinically Integrated Medical Program
January 10, 2017
Jim Ryan
President, Casualty
Insights for 2017

2017 is here and poised to challenge and change our industry in many areas. I think we can all agree the technological advances are moving at an unprecedented pace. The terms artificial intelligence, drones and wearables are changing our lives. Sti…

January 10, 2017 by Jim Ryan, President, Casualty
September 16, 2016
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Connecting healthcare quality with telemedicine

Telemedicine customized for occupational injuries will provide the greatest advantage “You have to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology.”  - Steve Jobs Telemedicine, primarily audio technology, has been a…

September 16, 2016 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
August 16, 2015
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Telehealth: A new era has arrived

I am very excited about our Center for Excellence session, “Evolving Healthcare Models and Workers’ Compensation Opportunities" on August 26th at the Workers’ Compensation and Education Conference. We have a great panel that will share how digital …

August 16, 2015 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
April 08, 2014
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
How will telehealth impact workers’ comp?

Technological advancements in medical care are happening with lightning speed these days and changing the delivery of healthcare. We've included "Advancements in Medical Care" among Sedgwick's Foresight for '14 topics and believe it will significan…

April 08, 2014 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
End of results.