Linked In Insights for 2017 - Sedgwick

Insights for 2017


2017 is here and poised to challenge and change our industry in many areas. I think we can all agree the technological advances are moving at an unprecedented pace. The terms artificial intelligence, drones and wearables are changing our lives. Still at the forefront for Sedgwick is our commitment to taking care of the people we serve. In 2017, topics related to mental health and prescription drug abuse are going to gain even more attention from employers. In addition, government regulations and legislative changes may create some of the most challenging landscapes we have ever faced as an industry.

We have been hard at work identifying what we believe will be some of the most important trends to focus on in the year ahead. The topics below reflect the key areas highlighted in Sedgwick’s “Insights for 2017” list. I believe that our list is a great resource and shines a light on the areas that your business should be ready to address. Click on the topic that you would like to read more about or click here to read the full Insights for 2017 list.

We will continue to offer our insights as we monitor the following business advancements and challenges throughout 2017:


Good Health Empowerments
Accessing care via technology
Balancing the scale of pain management
Supporting mental health initiatives
read more about these trends>


Regulation transformations
Compliance enforcement
Navigating regulatory changes
Workers' compensation strategies
read more about these trends>


Consumer-Centric Progressions
Enhancing the claims experience
Bridging benefit models
On-demand consumerism
read more about these trends>


Risk circumventions
Crisis plans
Geo risks
Talent strategies
read more about these trends>


Tech modernisms
Artificial and emotional intelligence
Explosion in actionable data
Self-service innovations
read more about these trends>

Let us know what areas will be most important for your company in the coming year.  We welcome your feedback.

Jim Ryan, EVP, Casualty Operations

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