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Posts related to ‘inflation’

September 26, 2023
Max Koonce
chief claims officer
Stabilizing litigation in a volatile world

The frequency of litigation in liability insurance claims is increasing incrementally as impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic subside. While litigation remains a small percentage of overall claim volume, the cost of resolving those claims is disproportio…

September 26, 2023 by Max Koonce, chief claims officer
July 13, 2023
Ian McLennan
director, head of commercial repair solutions, UK
Use of unvetted contractors brings unwelcome risks

In tough economic times and a tight labour market, the opportunity to use unvetted contractors to undertake repairs can be enticing. However, homeowners, business owners, property managers and insurers must keep in mind that using lower-priced, unvet…

July 13, 2023 by Ian McLennan, director, head of commercial repair solutions, UK
July 04, 2023
Expert dommage major and complex loss
The future of the supply chain in France

Read the French version. Supply chain models were initially designed based on forecasting that has now become obsolete since COVID. Many changes took place during the pandemic that impacted certainties around consumption and sales. There is a sense …

July 04, 2023 by Cyril BRISSAUD, Expert dommage major and complex loss
June 27, 2023
Scott Rogers, global chief client officer and Eric Malterre, chief client officer, international
The virtue of scope and specialization

Strong relationships and trustworthy support are indispensable in today’s economic environment. Organizations need partners who can supplement their expertise and help them resolve complex issues. When choosing a vendor partner, it’s important for an…

June 27, 2023 by Scott Rogers, global chief client officer and Eric Malterre, chief client officer, international
May 25, 2023
Kathy Conway
VP, specialty operations
Curbing medical malpractice claim costs amid social inflation

Today’s industry professionals are very familiar with the phenomenon of social inflation, in which insurers’ claim costs increase faster than general economic inflation. In the medical malpractice space in which my team operates, I’ve observed case v…

May 25, 2023 by Kathy Conway, VP, specialty operations
May 22, 2023
Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, managed care and Max Koonce, chief claims officer
Medical inflation continues to impact claims

The media recently shared an interesting take on inflation trends, and pointed out the divergence between overall inflation and medical inflation trends. Expenses are on the rise in nearly every area and as medical costs continue to increase, so do e…

May 22, 2023 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, managed care and Max Koonce, chief claims officer
April 07, 2023
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
Back to basics on public health

April 7 is World Health Day, a time dedicated to raising awareness of issues in public health. From my experience as a medical doctor and my role at Sedgwick supporting our managed care team and advising on complex workers’ compensation cases, I’ve h…

April 07, 2023 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
March 13, 2023
Max Koonce, chief claims officer, and David Guaragna, SVP, operations
Inflation and the current claims landscape

Price increases can be seen across all industries — from food and fuel to construction and manufacturing. When we look at the claims industry, these same factors are influencing costs in workers’ compensation, auto and property claims. Inflati…

March 13, 2023 by Max Koonce, chief claims officer, and David Guaragna, SVP, operations
March 07, 2023
David Stills
senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
Gaining confidence in compliance

In a world of constant change and evolving challenges, risks are more interconnected than ever. Considering the speed at which news travels, the heavy focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG), and the daunting geopolitical environment, org…

March 07, 2023 by David Stills, senior vice president, carrier and risk practice
February 15, 2023
Andrew Cavan
director, head of major and complex loss (North)
The impact of inflation on claims: what lies ahead in 2023

As reported in the Financial Times, on 31 August 2022, the head of one of the world’s largest building materials companies confirmed that he’s seeing a ‘second wave of cost increases’ following the surge in gas prices. Spiralling energy prices are …

February 15, 2023 by Andrew Cavan, director, head of major and complex loss (North)
January 24, 2023
Kathy Tazic
managing director client services
Imagine 23: highlighting industry trends for the year ahead

Sedgwick’s industry experts and thought leaders are committed to keeping our clients informed on emerging challenges, opportunities and industry news. We’re excited to introduce our Imagine 23 list, which highlights topics and trends employers, risk …

January 24, 2023 by Kathy Tazic, managing director client services
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Interrupción de las cadenas de suministro globales: actuar y anticiparse a los retos futuros

lee esto en ingles Empresas de todo el mundo sintieron en los últimos años el impacto del COVID-19, los conflictos geopolíticos, los retrasos y la inflación. Para llevar a cabo su actividad con normalidad, tuvieron que hacer frente a estos factores …

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas , MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Global supply chain disruptions: anticipating future challenges and taking early action

Read this in Spanish. Companies around the world felt the last several years impact of COVID-19, geopolitical conflicts, delays and inflation. To conduct business as usual, they had to contend with these unruly factors and find ways to adapt their o…

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas, MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
December 13, 2022
David Berrey, chief compliance officer
Business continuity in an unpredictable world

Our complex global economy is fraught with uncertainty. Companies today must contend with numerous factors beyond their control that jeopardize their ability to conduct business as usual. The past few years have brought new levels of volatility to an…

December 13, 2022 by David Berrey, chief compliance officer
December 05, 2022
Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
Renewing your business insurance policy during turbulent times

Lees de Nederlandse versie. Amid economically challenging times, measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 negatively impacted sales for entrepreneurs worldwide. During lockdown periods, the Netherlands government organized assistance to mitigate th…

December 05, 2022 by Bart Oversier - major and complex loss adjuster
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