Linked In Recap: 13 for 2013 Emerging Issues for Employers - Sedgwick

Recap: 13 for 2013 Emerging Issues for Employers


In early 2013, Sedgwick advised clients of the top trends expected to impact employers this year from the Affordable Care Act: a change in the healthcare delivery model – to economic and market forces: how they will drive employer actions.

Looking back, all of the communicated emerging issues had an impact – some more than others. And additional issues emerged, including the government shutdown and sequestration, that affected employers and the economy as a whole. All year, our experts have responded to these industry challenges and market trends, supporting the diverse needs of our client base by providing information, perspective and advice.


As we move into 2014, many of the evolving issues remain at the forefront. We now take a look back and recap our conversations, revisiting resources that continue to provide valuable information for employers. Sedgwick consistently adapts to the ongoing economic and legislative challenges facing our industry and our clients. To learn more about Sedgwick’s perspective on emerging issues for employers – now and into the coming year visit our website.

What are your thoughts regarding these 13 challenges we monitored and how they impacted you or your organization? What do you predict for 2014? Our experts will soon be releasing our outlook for 2014. We will post those here and on our website.

Happy Holidays,

Dave North
President and CEO

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