Linked In Spreading hope for the year ahead - Sedgwick

Spreading hope for the year ahead

As I prepared to write this year’s season of giving blog, I reflected on how, every year, I think there can’t be a way to top the year before—whether professionally, personally, within my community or in the world. However, for me, this year has been the most challenging yet, both from a personal and professional perspective. I lost my dad, deeply felt the racial tensions in our country, struggled with the impacts of COVID-19…these issues still loom large in my life and I know the same is true for almost everyone in the whole world. Let that sink in—not just my home or community, but our whole world—all are facing challenges that have not been seen in more than a generation. It’s important to acknowledge it, realize the hardships and grief are real for people, and that many continue to struggle with feelings of isolation, frustration and fear.

But while we look back at this challenging year, we can find ways to focus on the good things that have also come, the progress we see and the potential for more and better. While we won’t be able to just close the door and put the struggles of 2020 behind us, we can look toward 2021 with a sense of renewed optimism and hope.

That is why I was pleased to see how Sedgwick chose to respond this year with our 2020 season of giving campaign. At Sedgwick, taking care of people is at the heart of everything we do. Our purpose is to help people when unexpected events occur, and this year has certainly brought plenty of the unexpected. We wanted to wrap up 2020 by giving back and showing our gratitude for what we are thankful for in our own corners of the world.

I am particularly excited to share that Sedgwick is partnering with Direct Relief—a humanitarian organization helping people around the world during times of emergency—to spread hope for the year ahead. Like Sedgwick, Direct Relief has spent much of 2020 taking care of people impacted by wildfires, hurricanes and the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout December, we will shine a light on gratitude, inspiration and positivity while promoting Direct Relief’s vital work around the world.

Please join us by visiting our 2020 season of giving page and posting on our “wall of gratitude”:

  • Let us know what you are most thankful for and share using hashtag #2020thankful on your social channels.
  • Send thanks and encouragement to the first responders, essential front-line workers and volunteers from organizations like Direct Relief who continue to care for others throughout these challenging times. You can tag them on social media and use the hashtag #thankyoudirectrelief.
  • Share your greatest hope for the year ahead using the hashtag #2021greatesthope and be sure and tag us on social media so we can re-share.

Please watch our social channels on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more in the weeks ahead. Here at Sedgwick, we remain grateful for our 27,000 dedicated and resilient colleagues around the world, the opportunity to serve our valued clients and business partners, and the privilege of helping people when caring counts most. From the Sedgwick family to yours, we wish you all the best—this season and always.

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