Linked In The next generation of insurance professionals - Sedgwick

The next generation of insurance professionals

According to the Pew Research Center, each year, millions of Baby Boomers are retiring — leaving critical gaps in the U.S. labor force. While this talent gap continues to be a concern for companies across the country, employers that commit themselves to adapting with the evolving labor force have every reason to succeed at attracting top talent and retaining workers. One way to adapt to this new reality is to attract, develop and mentor workers so they learn by doing. It could be new college graduates, or even those from high schools or junior colleges. This apprentice-like approach is particularly appealing for insurance industry organizations because many people early in their careers are unaware of the opportunities in our industry. After all, we have a lot to offer – opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives, flexibility in work locations and schedules, and enticing benefits packages.

In today's podcast, we are joined by two graduates who share how they made their way into the industry, and why they pursued Sedgwick. A new wave of insurance professionals is coming. Are you ready to join us? Listen to the full conversation on the podcast here.

A career at Sedgwick is where passion meets purpose to make a positive impact on the world through the people and organizations we serve. For more information, visit

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