Linked In Sedgwick in France - Sedgwick

Sedgwick in France

Sedgwick in France brings together more than 980 colleagues in 35 offices throughout the country.

Our experience combined with our technical expertise enables us to quickly respond in all areas of claims management and expertise. The commitment of our staff and the performance and quality of our network ensure that we can provide effective support throughout the world, managing your major accounts and international programmes.

Through a blend of our extensive owned operations and select, targeted local partnerships, Sedgwick’s largescale resources and on-the-ground response come together to ensure we are ready around the globe, able to move quickly to meet your needs.

At Sedgwick, caring counts®. Taking care of people and organizations — from public and private employers to insurers and their policyholders — is at the heart of everything we do. We provide the services and expertise you are looking for, wherever you are, when you need us most.

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