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Going the extra mile in direct auto repair

Auto repairs are always a pain point, whether you’re an individual insurance holder in your first fender bender or a corporate fleet stretched for manpower or technology tools to complete the repair quickly and accurately at the best price. Most people don’t plan to encounter damage when they head out on the road, but they want peace of mind that they’ll be taken care of if they do.

The administrative burden of scheduling auto repairs and managing rentals and payments as part of the broader claims process can be time consuming and inconvenient. For organizations with auto exposure, the pain points ramp up quickly. There is no one-size-fits-all approach for these organizations as they coordinate their auto damage response; from carriers supporting individual clients to commercial enterprises with multiple vehicles on the road, everyone’s needs are unique. It’s challenging to find consistent, reliable repair facilities you can trust. Partnering with an auto direct repair program (DRP) network can streamline and simplify the process while assuring quality at every step.

The first line of defense

Insurance carriers, fleet management companies and corporate customers are each unique in their needs, so the way first- and third-party auto losses are managed should be too. While one may need assistance handling potential supplements, another may be more focused on negotiating repair times. However, everyone involved has a similar goal of driving down rental days and indemnity dollars.

With the right partner, an auto direct repair program can streamline the process if an accident happens, and make finding the right, tailored solution easier, faster, and at a lower cost. Think of auto DRP as the first line of defense. Now think through the layers of a DRP partner’s capabilities and potential strategic support. Can you turn to them for additional opportunities to reduce friction and inefficiency end-to-end? Integrated technology may be available, with mobile triage tools and DRP referral service integrated to recommend quality, vetted repair facilities matched to the policyholder’s needs. A partner may even be able to manage some or all parts of the claim, if needed, with in-person adjusters on hand to help review the case, negotiate repairs and drive overall savings through the claim lifecycle.

How it works

For clients and carriers, partnering with an auto DRP means exclusive access to a pre-screened and insured network of repair facilities without the administrative burden that comes with managing the process. Auto groups also benefit from the partnership, as well; joining a DRP network is an effective way for them to keep pace with new and evolving customer needs and keep referrals and customers steady for business.

Sedgwick has listened to our clients as they shared their auto repair challenges. And, just as we have done successfully for many years through our repair solutions network that extends concierge-level service and support to homeowners and business owners facing property damage, we now offer a DRP network as part of our end-to-end auto solutions. Our new auto DRP network includes four levels of service, scaled to fit the unique needs of each client:

  • Triage tool and DRP assignment: Option to send the assignment to repair facilities and utilize preferred rates and contracts within our proprietary network
  • Triage tool and DRP assignment + audit/desk review: Preferred rates and contracts within our proprietary network, as well as a desk review of completed work and handling of any potential supplements
  • Triage tool and DRP assignment + audit/desk review + repair scheduling: All of the above, plus the benefit of having one of our customer service representatives coordinate repair scheduling with the vehicle owner
  • Entire process/full managed repair: The full end-to-end service: Scheduling repairs and confirming completion dates, handling any potential supplements, negotiating repair times, and ultimately, driving down rental days and indemnity dollars

We support auto DRP members with the latest technology tools to help streamline the referral and repair process. Sedgwick’s end-to-end app enables mobile triage at the start of a claim, reducing cycle times and lowering indemnity dollars especially for low- to medium-severity cases.

We are committed to building strong network partnerships with quality facilities while providing industry-leading care and assistance for each claim. The network is growing – now with over 2,000 auto partners – and helps make our auto DRP process seamless, efficient and unmatched. What’s more, clients see an average savings of up to 20% off prevailing labor costs when using the Sedgwick auto DRP network.

To learn more about Sedgwick’s auto DRP services and how we can help with your own auto claims challenges, visit Additionally, if you are attending the upcoming SEMA Show in Las Vegas, November 1-4, connect with us!

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