Linked In Revolutionizing readiness skills for loss adjusters and inspectors - Sedgwick

Revolutionizing readiness skills for loss adjusters and inspectors

Introducing virtual learning and improving the digital experience became a priority for many organizations throughout the last two years. At Vale, our mission to revolutionize readiness skills evolved quickly to meet the unique needs of carriers, adjusters and inspectors — with remote guidance being a significant driver in claims resolution and customer satisfaction.

Remote guidance in our lives

While remote guidance is not a new concept for consumers, it relies heavily on participation. Adoption examples include:

  • 1986: Carbon Copy Software was launched as a remote support tool. Owners could replicate their computer with someone else’s — allowing them unlimited access to their computer’s information and saved data.
  • 1997: GM OnStar became the first in-vehicle support service. Drivers could click to speak to a live agent call emergency services or receive navigation support. No technical knowledge was required, and a live customer experience was delivered.
  • 2002: Teladoc was founded as the oldest telemedicine company in the United States. The service took patient needs into consideration and required they share a fair amount of personal information on their lives and lifestyles to establish a baseline of knowledge to receive provider care.

With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), the digital claims experience has become stronger, although consumer acceptance is still teetering. A 2021 JD Power survey reported that, “Use of video chat with an estimator is associated with the highest level of overall satisfaction, yet it is experienced by just 26% of claimants.”

Readiness and adoption: a team approach

Readiness starts with an intuitively designed remote guidance tool that enables embedded support. It’s essential to define roles, tools, processes, key performance indicators (KPIs) and outcomes. Remote guidance in the claims process also requires a team approach that considers the insureds, inspectors and adjusters.

  • Insureds – Inspections often come with pre-requisites, including the use of a smartphone and a willingness to commit time and provide access to the environment. Setting expectations with the insureds about the claims process will ensure they’re aware of the necessary steps to achieve a positive outcome.
  • Inspectors – For more advanced claims, inspector readiness requires an understanding of the process and tools for efficient and accurate exploration, a willingness to listen and respond to adjuster instructions while displaying courtesies to the insured, and the ability to exercise emotional intelligence.
  • Adjusters – The assigned desk adjuster directs the inspection, provides clear instruction, and ensures that all claim data/visuals are captured and annotated — completing and closing the file with efficiency and accuracy. They must be highly skilled in technical knowledge, prepared to engage with insureds and capable of project managing the inspection to completion.

Industry implications

Claims teams that leverage advanced tools can create dynamic data that’s searchable for analysis and report generation. Combined with AI, these tools establish better data-driven decision making while managing the massive quantities of claims data generated — leading to faster processing and risk evaluation. In addition, remote guidance tools can integrate related services and support adjacent functions. For instance, when a direct repair network contractor uses it on site, it allows for an immediate transition from claim to construction. Sustainability and the impact of remote guidance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) is another factor to consider. These tools reduce travel, create digital files and can establish predictive modeling ­— which has become an important factor when attracting the next generation of talent.

With our 75-year tradition training focused on developing and enhancing the skills of insurance adjusters, we’re just getting started. We'll continue to make refinements to our learning model, add new tools and update you as trends evolve.

Want to learn more about Vale Training? Find details about our programs and opportunities, learn about our remote inspections or take a tour of our facility.

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