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Posts related to ‘Global’

December 26, 2023
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development, Sedgwick
Prepare for takeoff: travel and medical assistance during the busiest time of year

Whether you’re on a business trip or venturing afar during the holiday season to visit family or explore somewhere new, now is one of the busiest times of year to travel. Travel claims are on the rise in 2023; there’s always a chance that your trip…

December 26, 2023 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development, Sedgwick
September 07, 2023
Brice Caswell, director of compliance and statutory administration; Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance; and Sara Elder, senior vice president, operations
Getting back to basics for accommodations

The paid family and medical leave landscape has become more complex and state-by-state differences remain, but employers can take proactive steps to streamline their policies. In the world of accommodations for injured or disabled employees, training…

September 07, 2023 by Brice Caswell, director of compliance and statutory administration; Adam Morell, assistant vice president, product compliance; and Sara Elder, senior vice president, operations
June 19, 2023
James Norman
international business development director
Intelligent resilience: 3 strategies for persevering through uncertain times

The insurance industry is, of course, not immune to the tumultuous economic climate in which businesses are operating today. Carriers are feeling the adverse impact of the ongoing shocks on their brands, workforce and financial performance. During pe…

June 19, 2023 by James Norman, international business development director
April 21, 2023
Peter Wassell, technical director and Ian Gibbs, national technical manager, repair solutions, UK
This Earth Day, imagine greater sustainability in claims

A recent report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change painted a dire picture of the health of planet Earth and its fragile environment being pushed to the brink. As outlined in the scientific report, human behaviours since …

April 21, 2023 by Peter Wassell, technical director and Ian Gibbs, national technical manager, repair solutions, UK
February 16, 2023
Steve Crystal
Head of claims fraud - international, Cert CILA APCIP
Tackling fraud in insurance claims: global observations

The UK and US insurance markets are well established when it comes to the challenge of tackling claims fraud, but what about the rest of the world? Well, there’s a growing appetite among insurers – those with an international presence, as well as t…

February 16, 2023 by Steve Crystal, Head of claims fraud - international, Cert CILA APCIP
January 17, 2023
Carlos Mantecas
MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
Interrupción de las cadenas de suministro globales: actuar y anticiparse a los retos futuros

lee esto en ingles Empresas de todo el mundo sintieron en los últimos años el impacto del COVID-19, los conflictos geopolíticos, los retrasos y la inflación. Para llevar a cabo su actividad con normalidad, tuvieron que hacer frente a estos factores …

January 17, 2023 by Carlos Mantecas , MBA, engineer, marine surveyor and director of marine and transportation
November 22, 2022
Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development, and Malcolm Hughes, executive chairman, Ireland
Accident and health coverage: the right care when things go wrong

If we’ve learned anything from the past few years, it’s to expect the unexpected. Illness can strike at any moment. Accidents happen. Flights are delayed or canceled without warning. Luggage might not arrive at its intended destination. Supply chain …

November 22, 2022 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development, and Malcolm Hughes, executive chairman, Ireland
September 16, 2022
Darin Miller, national marine manager and Marc Schuling, marine manager - Netherlands
Embrace, elevate and expand your view at IUMI 2022

More cargo is being shipped to scale up production of renewables — between solar and wind farms. And we may start to see less shipping of oil and gas pipe machinery, refinery and construction equipment as we wean off of fossil fuels. Additional…

September 16, 2022 by Darin Miller, national marine manager and Marc Schuling, marine manager - Netherlands
July 26, 2022
Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
Climate change and risk management — challenges today and solutions for tomorrow

Lisez ceci en français. While climate change regulation remains a highly debated issue among nations, an increased burden falls to corporations and individual organizations to step up initiatives as a means of reducing carbon footprint and changing …

July 26, 2022 by Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
July 26, 2022
Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
Changement climatique: enjeux et solutions, pour aujourd’hui et pour demain

Read the English version. Alors que la réglementation sur le changement climatique demeure un sujet largement débattu au plan international, les entreprises et organisations se voient attribuer un poids croissant dans la prise d’initiatives pour ré…

July 26, 2022 by Eric Malterre, chief client officer – international and David Stills, SVP, carrier and risk practice
June 09, 2022
James Norman
International business development director
Strategic partnerships: Is the added value worth the risk?

With the complexity of today’s globalised business environment, it’s naïve to think that any one organisation can be everything to everyone. It’s quite impossible for even a large, multinational service provider to specialise in all areas or have cov…

June 09, 2022 by James Norman, International business development director
May 11, 2022
Eric Malterre, chief client officer, international, and James Norman, international business development director
Managing unpredictability in claims

From geopolitics to climate change to fears of another pandemic outbreak, instability seems prevalent everywhere. Current business risks abound, including cybersecurity, rising inflation, supply chain issues and the Great Resignation, which continues…

May 11, 2022 by Eric Malterre, chief client officer, international, and James Norman, international business development director
August 11, 2021
Christophe Grepilloux
Expert Certifié EEA Matériels et Installations Industrielles FUEDI ELAE - Energies Renouvelables
Les énergies vertes en réponse au cri d’alarme du GIEC

La présence plurielle de Sedgwick France en Métropole, en Corse et sur les départements d’outre-mer livre un point de vue omniscient sur les tendances environnementales et l’évolution de nos écosystèmes terrestres et maritimes. Le constat de nos expe…

August 11, 2021 by Christophe Grepilloux, Expert Certifié EEA Matériels et Installations Industrielles FUEDI ELAE - Energies Renouvelables
May 01, 2020
Bob Peterson
Executive perspectives: Global trends and issues impacting risk management

It’s an understatement to say that a lot has changed in a very short time. It’s a very different world than when we started planning for a RIMS conference session on global trends and issues impacting risk management only a few short months ago. Ever…

May 01, 2020 by Bob Peterson, president
End of results.